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  ### 广东江门市手机屏蔽仪出租租赁成功案例


  #### 案例背景


  #### 解决方案与实施


  1. **设备选型**:选用性能稳定、覆盖范围广、对人体无害的专业级手机屏蔽仪,确保在不影响其他电子设备正常工作的同时,有效屏蔽考场内的手机信号。

  2. **安装调试**:派遣经验丰富的技术人员前往学校,对每间考场进行实地勘测,精准安装屏蔽仪,并进行多轮测试,确保信号屏蔽效果达到最佳状态。

  3. **培训指导**:为校方管理人员提供详细的设备操作指南与应急处理措施,确保在考试期间能够迅速应对可能出现的任何问题。

  4. **短期租赁优势**:提供灵活的租赁期限,仅覆盖考试期间,大大降低了校方的经济负担,同时避免了长期维护的烦恼。

  #### 客户反馈与成效



  #### 成功举办的细节

  - **精准匹配**:缘通租赁根据考场的具体需求,精准匹配了最适合的屏蔽仪型号与数量,确保了资源的有效利用。

  - **高效沟通**:在整个租赁过程中,双方保持密切沟通,及时解决了可能出现的问题,确保了项目的顺利推进。

  - **应急准备**:缘通租赁还为校方准备了应急备用设备,以应对突发情况,进一步增强了客户信心。

  #### 结语



  ### 英文翻译版

  **Successful Case of Mobile Phone Signal Blocker Rental in Jiangmen, Guangdong**

  In todays rapidly evolving digital era, electronic devices have become an integral part of our daily lives and work. However, in certain settings such as important meetings, examination environments, or sensitive areas, mobile phone signal interference often poses a challenge. It is precisely based on this need that Yuantong Leasing, with its professional mobile phone signal blocker rental service, has successfully assisted multiple organizations and individuals in Jiangmen, Guangdong, ensuring the smooth progress of events and the security of information. Below, we share a true and typical success story that showcases how Yuantong Leasing provided short-term rental services to help customers overcome difficulties.


  A renowned high school in Jiangmen was preparing for its annual mock college entrance examination. Recognizing the serious impact of mobile phone cheating on examination fairness, the school decided to take measures to strengthen its exam discipline management. However, purchasing mobile phone signal blockers directly was costly and involved complex post-exam maintenance and management. After comparing various options, the school chose Yuantong Leasing as its partner to rent signal blockers for the examination.

  **Solution and Implementation**

  Upon receiving the schools request, Yuantong Leasing promptly responded by tailoring a mobile phone signal blocker rental plan based on the examination room scale and layout. The plan included:

  1. **Equipment Selection**: Choosing professional-grade blockers with stable performance, wide coverage, and no harm to humans, ensuring effective signal shielding without disrupting other electronic devices.

  2. **Installation and Testing**: Deploying experienced technicians to the school for site surveys, precise installation, and multiple rounds of testing


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